Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Good bye Laich-Kwil-Tach Treaty Society. Hello unrepresented future for those of us off reserve?


The majority of you that I'm sending this message to live off the Campbell River Indian Band Reserve (Reserve No. 11).  In 2011 I was told by a councillor with the Campbell River Indian Band Council that Chief Robert Pollard has no interest in providing services to those of us that are off reserve members.  Off reserve members represent a little over 55% of the total registered population of the Campbell River Indian Band.  Here's a web link so that you can verify what I say is accurate:  I included members on other reserves as those that live off Reserve No. 11.

On page 7 of the Wei Wai Kum Times ( the Campbell River Indian Band's weekly newsletter published October 9, 2013 the Chief and Council gave notice along with the Kwiakah that they have hired a Head Treaty Negotiator by the name of Mr. Mark Stevenson.  Normally the Wei Wai Kum Times provides little useful information about much of anything that is going on within the Campbell River Indian Band.  Finally there is some useful information about the Campbell River Indian Band Council's intent.  Mr. Stevenson was hired by the K'ómoks First Nation (Which is really a Laichkwiltach tribe and is not a first nation.) as their Chief Negotiator.  Unless you've been hiding under a rock you'll know that the K'ómoks First Nation Treaty is way further along than anything the Campbell River Indian Band has been involved with so this point.  See this web link:

The days of the Laich-Kwil-Tach Treaty Society Citizen Assemblies appear to be gone!  The rumour on the reserve is that the Laich-Kwil-Tach Treaty Society will be closing it's doors at the end of March 2014.  The days of us being able to meet up at the Citizens Assembly appear to be over!  Does the Campbell River Indian Band Council (and Kwiakah) intend to have similar sorts of assemblies in the future?  I doubt it.  As I stated, Chief Pollard has indicated that his is unwilling to provide services for off reserve members.  We've all been members of the Campbell River Indian Band long enough to realize that the Campbell River Indian Band Council doesn't general make a large amount of money available for off reserve members to travel anywhere.  I could be wrong.  I'd like it if I was wrong but, I think we've seen the end of Citizens Assemblies and inclusion of off reserve members with the demise of the Laich-Kwil-Tach Treaty Society.

There is an upside to this change but, in order for off reserve members to a any benefits from this change we will be required to act.  Here's the problem as I see it:  Apathy is a huge!  If off reserve members of the Campbell River Indian Band don't do or say anything we will have no representation and no real information on which to base a vote on anything that may come in the future.  This will affect us and our descendants forever!

I believe that 3 members of the Weiwaikai tribe held a lot of power within the Laich-Kwil-Tach Treaty Society and that these men had little interest in Weiwaikum issues if providing such assistance didn't further their own cause(s).  I've talked with on reserve members about this and they are acutely aware of whom I speak.  With Weiwaikum and Kwiakah moving away from the Weiwaikai hopefully things will go better for us all.

I would like to see the Campbell River Indian Band provide meetings where off reserve members can attend meetings via the Internet.  There may be those of you I'm writing that may think that is a large feat.  This is simply not true.  This is the 21st Century.  As time has progressed being able to do things on line through things like Google Hangouts, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, Goto Metting, etc., has become easier to do.  There really is no excuse as to why our human rights as off reserve members of the Campbell River Indian Band are being continually violated.  This will only occur is we continue to allow it to be so.

If you're curious about the names that I have withheld I'll gladly provide you them if you reply to this message.


Kelly Quocksister

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